Does 205 miles = 334 miles? It does if you’re Grandpa John.
Before writing the run report, I must give thanks and recognition to all who help us make the run successful.
First to my Creator - For giving me health and strength to persevere and continue on despite the pain or distance traveled. My love for Him grows daily. I pray that He continues to bless me so.
My wonderful Support Crew - My beautiful partner in life, my soul mate, my wife, whom I love deeply. Without Lydia, the first mile would not have been made, let alone the 334 miles we covered, of which 205 miles were on foot- Thanks honey for supporting throughout this effort. And I mustn’t forget Babee my sweetheart of a dog an American Staffordshire Terrier. She was my running companion for many a mile.
Every so often friends - enter your life which causes a mid course correction in the direction you are traveling, resulting in a much fuller and blest life. Such is the case with Amy and Doug Butler; without their help and support not much would have been accomplished. Forever to the memory of their loving son Mitch, we shall continue on spreading the word on bicycle safety and driver alertness.
And it’s not too hard to see where such love comes from as was expressed to us by Ken and Nancy Federspiel, Amy’s parents. Not only did they provide encouragement for us all the way, they also graciously supplied an evening meal (Yummy Applebee’s) but lodging as well @ the Northwood’s Lodge in Indian River, MI. – a most beautiful log Inn - Thank you so much.
Then there was the feisty, wonderful and lovable Erby, Amy’s aunt. Not only did she provide us with (a meal befitting royalty, she also had has as overnight guests staying in her most beautiful log home.
As for corporate support, I’d be amiss and severely lacking in gratitude not to mention just how much support Comfort Inn provided me and my support crew. With deep gratitude we would like to thank:
Rhonda - Comfort INN, Toledo, Ohio
Rob Isley-Comfort Inn, Chelsea, MI.
Jill Payton - Comfort Inn Mount Pleasant, MI
Also of the same Corporate group would be:
Marcia – Quality Inn Gaylord, MI
And traveling on, my deepest gratitude and thanks are given freely to:
Lakeside Motel & Cottages (Budd Lake) - Blane & Jules thank you. We spent a very relaxing night at your beautiful resort, a most wonderful resort on Budd Lake in Harrison MI.
My thanks goes to a Martin Hogan - coworker and friend of mine who donated a substantial amount of money to help defray costs not covered elsewhere – thanks Martin.
Thanks is also given to Lisa O’Grady for helping out so much and for getting me in contact with Rachael Poirier, whose expertise was used to write up a press release, which due to my fault and technical difficulties was not released to the press as it should have been. I promise that bigger and better things are on the horizon and I will use this PR as a template for the next adventure. I ask with all humility the forgiveness of Lisa and Rachel for not getting it out as I should have.
And finally to all who have wished me well or those who might have been over-looked. I did not do so on purpose, your prayers and well wishes carried me through many difficult times.
Day 1-
Starting place: Connie’s Celebrations, Toledo OH
Time: 8am.
Distance Covered: 29.54 miles
Ending Place: End of Petersburg Rd. just outside of Milan MI
Night’s Lodging: Star Motel, Milan, MI.
It was a cool morning and I was ready to go. But what really excited me was the fact that I’d be joined by Megan Gruenberg and her family as they were going to run a few miles with me. I was so honor to have them with me. You see Megan, is what this is all about: She is a survivor of neuroblastoma and she is my hero. And to have her and her family run with me was an honor to say the least.
The first few miles went by rather quickly. The day was beautiful. Having to make out first pit stop around mile 10 or so, we found nothing in sight save a Wesleyan Church. Megan’s mom investigated, it wasn’t o pen but the pastor was sitting in his back yard enjoying the morning and upon seeing us offered the Sunday school building’s facilities for our use. After taking the pause that refreshes we continued on….Thank you Countryside Wesleyan Church and Pastor Tucker for your loving generosity.
To make a long story short Megan ran a few miles with me and her brother almost 13 miles. But what really impressed me was the fact than her mom and dad did 20 miles. I was shocked as that was the longest they have ever run previous to that date.
As we turned on to Forrest Rd leading into Petersburg MI, a lady on a porch called out asking what we were all about. Never one to miss an opportunity to spread the word, I stopped running and went her. The first thing I noticed was that she was holding a pillow tightly against her chest. I told her we were running to raise awareness of childhood cancer. Therein she immediately informed me that she just had surgery for breast cancer and was recovering, hence the pillow. I asked her name, she told me it was Linda. So Linda this run is for you too.
As we approached the 20 mile mark it was time (or should I say distance) for the Gruenberg’s to depart and head home. Such wonderful company I’ve never had on a run before. I know I’ll miss them dearly. But the best of the day’s run was yet to be, the final 9 miles of Petersburg road.
Did I mention that the last nine miles or so of the road was all rock, large ones’ too? Now here I am changing my shoes to my trail shoes, big mistake as these were a minimalist type of shoe offering very little in protection and support for such a road. For reasons only known to God I changed shoes.
Well, as the miles wore on I felt my right lower leg getting somewhat numb, almost a tingling type sensation, and since I never had shin splints before, I chalked it up to the road conditions . But before I knew it the day’s distance was covered, now for the drive to Milan and our nights lodging where I’ll apply ice to my leg to forestall an injury so early on.
Day 2 –
Starting place: End of Petersburg Rd. just outside of Milan MI
Time: 8:10 am.
Distance Covered: 30.00 miles
Ending Place: Waterloo Recreation Area just outside of Stockbridge, MI
Night’s Lodging: Comfort Inn, Chelsea, MI.
Today’s run began in the cool of the morning after a night of stormy weather. We began just outside of Milan Mi heading towards Stockbridge MI. At about Mile 3 of the days run a lady bolted out her door and told me that her daughter had called her the night before about some ol’ guy running and carrying a sign much like mine and was I that person? I told her yes I was that person and while I explained the purpose of the run, I gave her a gold ribbon signifying Childhood cancer awareness. She invited me in for a drink of water which I politely declined explaining I had a schedule to keep. I continued on.
A few miles further down the road I noticed a gentleman walking his dog in the yard. I hollered out “Running to Fight Childhood Cancer: He replied – Thanks, My wife is fighting cancer right now. I stopped and asked her name. He said her name was Bonnie. Beginning to run again I said loudly that I would dedicate this run to her too. I faintly heard thanks in reply.
Just as I entered the city of Saline, MI, I was taking a break when I met a couple out for a Saturday morning stroll. They asked about the sign I was carrying. So I proceeded to tell them about neuroblastoma and childhood cancer. They asked how they could donate – I gave them a card and said the best way would be to make an on line donation to the Band of Parents. However, I would accept any donation they like to make. They stated that they would most definitely make an on line donation and just before departing thanked me for what I was doing.
Continuing on we traveled through the city of Saline and the outskirts of Ann Arbor and had the opportunity to run through Dexter, MI., a quaint smaller village of Michigan. Onward the run proceeded till I had the opportunity to run the hills and valleys surrounding the Waterloo Recreation Area.
During the course of the day's run I had the distinct pleasure of covering 4224 feet of elevation gain and 3981 feet in descent. So to speak, I believe that this was the straw that broke the camel’s back; by the end of the running day, my shin was on fire.
Day 3 -
Starting place: Just North of Stockbridge, MI
Time: 8:40am.
Distance Covered: 22.97 miles
Ending Place: South Lansing MI.
Night’s Lodging: Red Roof Inn, Lansing, MI.
By the morning of the third day, I knew that the shin splints would keep me from covering the entire 330 +miles on foot but I was not going to quite. I regrouped and decided that a new beginning was in order. As any warrior knows the war is not always won by staying constantly engaged with in the enemy. At times, winning is the result of employing delaying tactics, retreating and employing a new battle plan. And this is precisely where Ol’ Gj finds himself right now.Due to the shin splint injury I lost too many miles, which to make schedule could not be regained. So to minimize the risk of a more severe injury and possible failure Ol’ Gj reformulated the running plan. Each day I will run/walk as many miles as I can from the hours of 8am to 5pm. Should increasing pain be experienced I will stop running, rest and attempt to continue on. If the pain still persists I will call it quits for the day and have Missus Gj drive me to our next scheduled place of lodging. It is not wise to win a battle for the sake of glory, just to lose the war. We will complete the run before us
Most of today’s run was through the vast Michigan country side. However, I did have the opportunity to run through the smaller villages of Mason, and Holt MI., which is just outside Lansing
The elevation gain and loss of the day continued to takes its toll on my shin. The totals for the day were 37912 in gain, and 3919 in loss. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I only made 22.97 miles for the day.
Day 4 -
Starting place: Lansing MI, just north of HWY 496.
Time: 8:35am.
Distance Covered: 21.59 miles
Ending Place: Just north of St John, MI
Night’s Lodging: Shari’s beautiful log Home
For good reasons, today’s’ run was interrupted twice. First I was interviewed by a reporter for an independent newspaper for Dewitt and St John’s, MI area. She had driven by twice and noticed me running and carrying a sign saying Fighting Childhood Cancer. Being inquisitive by nature she stopped and started talking with my support crew till I ran up on them, wherein she held an impromptu interview with me. And secondly I had to cut the run short to make an interview with the editor of the Gratiot Herald newspaper in Ithaca, MI. Both interviews were wonderful as I had the opportunity and a vehicle through which we could further spread the word a childhood cancer and our fight against it.
Days 5 & 6 -
Starting place: N/A.
Time: N/A
Distance Covered: N/A
Ending Place: Mount Pleasant MI,
Night’s Lodging: Comfort Inn, Mount Pleasant, MI.
I am still being plagued by the shin splints. In fact, it seems as though they are getting worse. So the decision was made to travel up to Mount Pleasant. MI and check in early; spend 2 days at the hotel sponsoring us, loose the mileage and heal up a bit before proceeding. I will not quit!
I spent the entire two days applying the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) formula to my shin.
Days 7 -
Starting place: East Campus Drive Mount Pleasant, MI
Time: 8:03am
Distance Covered: 21.20 miles
Ending Place: 9 miles south of Harrison, MI.
Night’s Lodging: Lakeside Motel and Cottages, Budd, Lake.
A crisp morning and cool breeze greeted us as we started the run. Still somewhat sore of leg, it was a great feeling to get going again. Today’s run not only took us through the villages of Rosebush (yes there is such a place) and Clare MI where we stooped at the local McDonald's and took a nice long (read 30 minutes) lunch break. We also had the privilege of running through quite a bit of farm land to include ranchers raising cattle, pigs, and veal. Needless to say the aroma, at times, was just overwhelming. (I guess it’s been way too long for this ol country boy)
By mile 19 the shin was flaring up again so during one of my water breaks I told my crew that I’d try for a couple of more miles before calling it quits for the day, which ended up being at mile 21.2
Total elevation gain and loss for the day was a little less than the previous days: 2256ft and 2124ft respectively.
Days 8 -
Starting place: North Grant Ave, Harrison (Budd Lake) MI.
Time: 8:05am
Distance Covered: 25.20
Ending Place: Approximately 7 miles south of Higgins Lake, MI, MI.
Night’s Lodging: Great Escape Motor Lodge, Higgins Lake, MI.
The run for the day was set in beautiful surroundings including numerous smaller inland lakes, forests dirt roads, and a run by the most beautiful Houghton Lake, on the west side of the road by Horton Lake I saw numerous Heron’s swans and far too many birds I didn’t know, or recognize. I know Michigan is beautiful, but I didn’t realize how much so until I covered today’s distance.
I encountered several rolling hills which made my shins scream out in pain today, yet I still covered a little more than 25 miles. Total elevation gain and loss for the day was 3835 ft gain and 3871ft loss respectively.
Day 9 -
Starting place: Outskirts of Graying on Old US27
Time: 8:30am
Distance Covered: 21.00 miles
Ending Place: Approximately 3 miles south of Gaylord, MI.
Night’s Lodging: Quality Inn, Gaylord MI.
The shins were flaring up again so to minimize the potential for a severe injury it was decided that we would drive a little of the route and start just north of where we were by about nine miles or so.
As I ran north of Gaylord on Old US27 I was greeted by numerous mosquitoes. Stopping my support crew I asked for the bug repellent. What repellent? Ah! Who forgot the bug repellent (me since I did the packing.) Well, I couldn’t waste time since I was being eaten alive I started running (a fast walk- the shins). Hopefully, we’d find a country store that had some bug spray. Now to pray they were open at such an early hour.
The miles slowly past by still no store, until we reached Fredric, MI a smaller quaint hamlet. But did they have a store? Yes they did, a little market and it was open. Hurrah! I stopped running and went inside and looked around and found some bug spray. It was natural kind made of eucalyptus oil and some other ingredient. I didn’t care, I took it up to the counter and bought it, where upon the owner asked me if I’d let him know if it worked since he just started selling it. (Oh great a bug spray that might not work) I told him I would and out the door I bolted out the door to begin our quest – That is, after I applied a liberal dose of bug repellent- did you know that eucalyptus oil stings the skin? Well it did on me, but it sure kept the bugs off.
Several of the hills I encountered today seemed more like mountains than hills. Well, they may have not been steep but they sure where long. My legs felt like lead; I could barely lift them. Who knows, maybe it just the toll of the mileage racking up on this old body. To save my legs further damage it was at mile 21 that I halted the run for the day.
Today’s elevation gain and loss was 3218 ft and 3056 respectively.
Days 10 -
Starting place: Outskirts of Gaylord, MI. on Old US27
Time: 8:00am
Distance Covered: 20.00 miles
Ending Place: Indian River, MI
Night’s Lodging: Northwoods Lodge, Indian River, MI
It’s hard to say, but today’s run was more beautiful than the yesterday. Yet, as I ran on, though shin still hurting and aching, feelings of sadness started to overcome me. The days and mileage are passing so quickly. After today, only one more day is left before we reach our destination. I don’t know why I felt this way as I was surrounded by God’s beautiful creation. However I had to enjoy the moment so I continued to run and the feelings soon past.
As the miles ticked by, we traveled through the villages of Vanderbilt and Wolverine, MI. Though very nice villages, there’s not too much to see or do, (unless you’re a sports-person and I am), but in Wolverine we stopped briefly for Missus Gj to mail out a birthday card to our granddaughter and continued on. Around mile 18 or so the shins began to flare up again; at mile 20, I called it a day.
Total elevation gain and loss for the day was 2424ft and 2939 ft. respectively.
Days 11 -
Starting place: Weadock Rd- North of Indian River approximately 12 miles.
Time: 8:45am
Distance Covered: 14.12 miles
Ending Place: Mackinaw Bridge, Mackinaw city, MI.
Night’s Lodging: Super 8 Motel, Mackinaw City MI.
I woke up this morning and my legs felt like a dead weight attached at the hip and my shins burned like hell. Yet, I wasn’t going to quit so we made one last final modification to the running plan. We would drive until we were approximately 15 miles from the Bridge and I would run the rest of the way in. I felt I had that much left in me anyway. We would make it!
Starting out on Weadock Rd north of Indian River I felt drained and very empty of gas…Yet, if we open our eyes, God in His infinite wisdom provides us encouragement and strength to continue on despite all odds. As I rounded the first bend in the road what did I see about a quarter mile up but a man in a wheel chair trudging on. Even from that distance I could see him labor with much difficulty as he moved down the dirty gravel road. I just had to speed up to join him for a spell. Who knows, this being Memorial Day, maybe he too was going to the Bridge on a mission as a wounded vet.
I soon closed the distance between us, when I was about 20 or so feet from him I called out “Passing on the right.” Turning his head slightly he smile at the sight before his eyes. Old Gj decked out in a reflective vest carrying a sign and hobbling on towards him. Slowing down slightly we began to talk. He asked what I was doing and I told him about the fight childhood cancer run and that my quest for this journey would soon be over. Before, I could ask him he told me that he was out for his daily 5 mile jog as he put it. I could see by the width of his shoulders that this was a daily routine for him. But before I could ask how he managed the winter months he hollered out “See ya, this is where I turn around, good luck,” and with that he was off in the opposite direction. Again maybe the miles were taking a toll on my emotions but I felt somewhat saddened by his departure, and I didn’t even know him.
Further on down the road I see that Missus Gj had pulled over and was taking pictures of some distant object. When I stopped at the car to ask what she was taking pictures of , she Shh’d me and said “Look deer are crossing the road about a quarter mile down on the right side.” As I looked she hand me the camera and said “Why not take a few pictures for our scrap book.” So, doing like any well trained man would do I heed my wife’s order and snapped away, taking about 5 or 6 pictures.
After the deer event, I turned one last and final curve in the road to find myself, on Hwy 108, which led directly to the Mackinaw Bridge. Tears welled up in my eyes as the finality of what was happening hit me full force. The run would be over, but not the Quest- a cure for my Little Buddies. I continued on with hope in my heart.
One mile down, two, three, four miles down the road, I approached the crest of a hill to see the twin towers of the Mackinaw Bridge standing erect in front of me Calling out like a beacon of hope I raced on (by this point I was hobbling J towards the goal.
As I approached the entrance of Fort Michilimac, at the base of the Bridge there stood Missus Gj, my loving wife and full time supporter taking pictures of me reaching our goal. Racing past her, I threw my sun hat into the air, tossed my shoes and socks off on the hobble and started running bare foot to the beach and the icy cold water of northern Lake Huron. Ouch, one last obstacle though…the beach was not sand, it was stone. So, I slowly made my way to the water, entered and walk till I was standing in shin deep water letting the waves wash the shin pain away.
Taking one last look at the Mighty Mac tears flowed from my eyes like water from a faucet turned on full force. My Little Buddies and I made it.
I don't know where I will go from here, but one thing is certain: I will not stop running till the cure is found.
I love all of you my Little Buddies. You are more precious to me than any worldly good I could ever get.
God Bless you till Later,
Grandpa John
PS: If you'd like to see the pictures please send me an email and I will send you the link to my MySpace account wherein the pictures reside - Thanks, Gj
Never Ever Quit!
Band of Parents------------------Mitch Butler Memorial Fund
Anonymous - $8.00
Mark & Diane Pasik - $100.00
I Love my "Little Buddies"
Email Grandpa John
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
What's a Crawaddle, So far so Sunburned - Mental Health?
To update the run, (finally I was able to get connected to the internet) as of yesterday, Saturday evening, May 24, 2009 in 7 days of running, I completed 171.25 miles of running, which due to the shin splints resembled more of a walking stride than running. Actually, I have named that type of stride the Crawaddle – part crawling, part running with a lot of waddling thrown in for good measure. :)
This morning we start out for Indian River, our last stop before the Bridge, but first the support crew needs to freshen up a bit, so it looks like we’ll be getting a late start today, which is not all that bad since Babee’s constant growling kept me up most of the night. (Our room is situated right by the back entrance of the motel and she must have heard all the comings and goings throughout the night)
Physical Health: Still bothered by the shins splints, and a small blister developed on my outer left heel and the legs are feeling very tired. And to top it off the back of my calves are sunburned. I guess SPF 30 +plus isn’t strong enough when your outside for 7 plus hours daily. Yet, I still feel great considering this is my first undertaking of this type of endurance event. I know I am not an elite athlete and probably never will be, so I am all the more amazed at their endurance experiencing what I have so far…
Day 9 Or Where Am I Now?

This morning we start out for Indian River, our last stop before the Bridge, but first the support crew needs to freshen up a bit, so it looks like we’ll be getting a late start today, which is not all that bad since Babee’s constant growling kept me up most of the night. (Our room is situated right by the back entrance of the motel and she must have heard all the comings and goings throughout the night)
Physical Health: Still bothered by the shins splints, and a small blister developed on my outer left heel and the legs are feeling very tired. And to top it off the back of my calves are sunburned. I guess SPF 30 +plus isn’t strong enough when your outside for 7 plus hours daily. Yet, I still feel great considering this is my first undertaking of this type of endurance event. I know I am not an elite athlete and probably never will be, so I am all the more amazed at their endurance experiencing what I have so far…
Mental Health: Just a tad off, but you already knew that didn't you? :)
A more complete update will be submitted after the run and upon returning home. So to keep you interested here are a few pictures of what I have seen and witnessed over the last week.
A more complete update will be submitted after the run and upon returning home. So to keep you interested here are a few pictures of what I have seen and witnessed over the last week.
Day 8
Day 9 Or Where Am I Now?
Comeon Babee, We got a ways to go...

End of Day 9 Run
Or what is my wife
trying to tell me?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A Special Thank You; An Additional Thank You; 4 days = 104 Miles = Shin Splints; A New Beginning; Pictures of Day 3 & 4 of the Run
A Special Thank You: Shari, you not only opened up your home to us for the evening (plus a great supper & breakfast) you also touched our hearts. Lydia and I thank you for your generosity and love. We will most definitely keep in touch – God Bless.
An Additional Thank You: Leslie - Your generousity was overwhelming. My wife Lydia and I thank you for buying our supper tonight (Bennigans - Comfort Inn, Mount Pleasant, MI). God Bless you and yours...
4 days = 104 Miles = Shin Splints: Over the course of the first 4 days of the run I ran a total of 104.05 miles, averaging out to 26.01 miles per day, (just about 4 miles short of each days goal) However, the ravages of the last 8 miles of the first day took its toll on my right shin. Although I ran 30 miles on day two, each succeeding day the miles fell sharply: Day 3 = 22.97 miles and Day 4 – 21.54 miles. Shin Splits have set in. To make certain that I fulfill my promise to my Little Buddies, I am now for the balance of day 5 and all of day 6 taking a rest, staying off my feet and icing my lower leg for 15 minutes on and a half an hour off. This leads me to:
A New Beginning: As any warrior knows the war is not always won by staying constantly engaged with in the enemy. At times, winning is the result of employing delaying tactics, retreating and employing a new battle plan. And this is precisely where Ol’ Gj finds himself right now.
Due to the injury mentioned above I lost approximately 50 miles on foot, which to make schedule cannot be regained. So to minimize the risk of a more severe injury and possible failure Gj has reformulated the running plan. That is after the rest period I will begin anew from Mount Pleasant, MI. Each day I will run/walk as many miles as I can from the hours of 8am to 5pm. Should increasing pain be experienced I will stop running, rest and attempt to continue on. If the pain still persists I will call it quits for the day and have Missus Gj drive me to our next scheduled place of lodging. It is not wise to win a battle for the sake of glory, just to loose the war. We will complete the run before us
Since I cannot reach 330 miles running/walking on foot , I will attempt to cover as many miles as I can. So far, 102 miles have been run.
Pictures of Day 3 & 4 of the Run:


Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell and rose again.-- Unknown.
God bless,
An Additional Thank You: Leslie - Your generousity was overwhelming. My wife Lydia and I thank you for buying our supper tonight (Bennigans - Comfort Inn, Mount Pleasant, MI). God Bless you and yours...
4 days = 104 Miles = Shin Splints: Over the course of the first 4 days of the run I ran a total of 104.05 miles, averaging out to 26.01 miles per day, (just about 4 miles short of each days goal) However, the ravages of the last 8 miles of the first day took its toll on my right shin. Although I ran 30 miles on day two, each succeeding day the miles fell sharply: Day 3 = 22.97 miles and Day 4 – 21.54 miles. Shin Splits have set in. To make certain that I fulfill my promise to my Little Buddies, I am now for the balance of day 5 and all of day 6 taking a rest, staying off my feet and icing my lower leg for 15 minutes on and a half an hour off. This leads me to:
A New Beginning: As any warrior knows the war is not always won by staying constantly engaged with in the enemy. At times, winning is the result of employing delaying tactics, retreating and employing a new battle plan. And this is precisely where Ol’ Gj finds himself right now.
Due to the injury mentioned above I lost approximately 50 miles on foot, which to make schedule cannot be regained. So to minimize the risk of a more severe injury and possible failure Gj has reformulated the running plan. That is after the rest period I will begin anew from Mount Pleasant, MI. Each day I will run/walk as many miles as I can from the hours of 8am to 5pm. Should increasing pain be experienced I will stop running, rest and attempt to continue on. If the pain still persists I will call it quits for the day and have Missus Gj drive me to our next scheduled place of lodging. It is not wise to win a battle for the sake of glory, just to loose the war. We will complete the run before us
Since I cannot reach 330 miles running/walking on foot , I will attempt to cover as many miles as I can. So far, 102 miles have been run.
Pictures of Day 3 & 4 of the Run:


Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell and rose again.-- Unknown.
God bless,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Run: A quick update
Just a quick up date for days 1 & 2 of the Run. I will provide an in-depth report at the end of the journey
Day One Mileage - 29.5 + miles
Highlights -
Met and ran with Megan Gruenberg (I really hope I have the spelling correct as forgive me if it is misspelled) and her family. Thank you so much for the card and present guys. It was really asurprise to have it give to us when we checked into the motel for the sly stinkers I love all of you.
Thanks goes out to Pastor Tucker at the Country Side Wesleyan Church. WE really need your facilities and your offer was greatly appreciated and as was your prayers for us.
Linda - just outside of Petersberg. We are praying for your complete recovery, God Bless you.
Peterburg Road got the best of me..leading to an injury - I am icing the ligament or tendon (whatever it is - it is sore) now... Plus a stone hit my toe and bruised it deeply - pictures follow.
Day 2 Milage - 30 miles
Highlights -
Connie fighting cancer (your husband told me as I ran by) Our prayers are with you
John At Lodi's (I think that is the right name for the food market if not I will correct) Food market, Thank you for allowing us to use your restroom but more importantly THANK YOU FOR THE UNSOLICITED DONATION of $100.00 - GOD BLESS YOU.
There is much more....but I will save that for the official report.
Now for the Pictures
Day 1
Day 2 - just a couple as I am tired more later :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Newest Sponsor - Folks if you're ever in the Mount Pleasant , MI area, please stop by our newest sponsors hotel, "The Comfort Inn & Suites University Park" Just click on the link below Tell them that Grandpa John sent you :)
Countdown to the Run: T Minus 010:14:10 and counting....
Till later I am off and getting ready for the run...see you soon..
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
Morrie Schwartz
God Bless
Countdown to the Run: T Minus 010:14:10 and counting....
Till later I am off and getting ready for the run...see you soon..
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
Morrie Schwartz
God Bless
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Just short note to all of my friends and followers of our journey:
In response to an email I sent to the Comfort Inn North manger of Toledo OH., seeking a nights' lodging for myself, support crew (and BaBee) early yesterday afternoon I received a call from her. Ms. Greer was happy to inform me that she had made reservations in my name for kick off eve night and they were even more than happy to accept Babee along with us.
Folks, I can't tell how much such generosity means to me. Not only does it save a lot of money but reflects highly on the values Comfort Inn upholds and to reflects to the community. When traveling, please be sure to book your lodging at any one of the Comfort Inn's along your way, especially if traveling through Toledo, OH. North. Please visit their website by click on the picture below.
Thank you Rhonda. My Little Buddies and I are forever grateful for yours' and Comfort Inn's generosity by helping us raise awareness of childhood cancer.
Grandpa John
In response to an email I sent to the Comfort Inn North manger of Toledo OH., seeking a nights' lodging for myself, support crew (and BaBee) early yesterday afternoon I received a call from her. Ms. Greer was happy to inform me that she had made reservations in my name for kick off eve night and they were even more than happy to accept Babee along with us.
Folks, I can't tell how much such generosity means to me. Not only does it save a lot of money but reflects highly on the values Comfort Inn upholds and to reflects to the community. When traveling, please be sure to book your lodging at any one of the Comfort Inn's along your way, especially if traveling through Toledo, OH. North. Please visit their website by click on the picture below.
Thank you Rhonda. My Little Buddies and I are forever grateful for yours' and Comfort Inn's generosity by helping us raise awareness of childhood cancer.
Grandpa John
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Continous Forward Momentum; Scoundrels in the Neighborhood.
Continuous Forward Momentum: As time marches quickly toward our destiny which begins May 15 at 8am, I gratefully give thanks to the family of Mitch Butler (my Special Little Buddy) for providing me and my support crew (Missus Gj) with nightly lodging for almost half of our journey:
Ken and Nancy Federspiel (Parents of Amy Butler)
Shari Eby (Amy's aunt)
Andrew Butler (son of Doug & Amy Butler)
Their support and love is overwhelming and accepted freely. I pray that I am worthy of the task before me..
Scoundrels in the Neighborhood: While I was out of town for a few days with my son who is home from Iraq for two weeks R & R, UPS delivered a pair of Spira running shoes which were donated by Spira (one of our sponsors) in support of our cause. Well, I guess temptation was just too much for someone as they were purloined from my porch over the weekend before I came home. I immediately contacted Spira to make sure that they were indeed delivered and they were and..much to my surprise, Spira is sending another pair out, which should arrive by Tuesday of next week. I cannot thank Spira enough for their generosity. Folks, please follow the link below to their website. A company with such high values surely deserves our business and support.
"Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means." Leo Buscaglia
May You Rest Peacefully in His Arms Now & Always
God Bless
Ken and Nancy Federspiel (Parents of Amy Butler)
Shari Eby (Amy's aunt)
Andrew Butler (son of Doug & Amy Butler)
Their support and love is overwhelming and accepted freely. I pray that I am worthy of the task before me..
Scoundrels in the Neighborhood: While I was out of town for a few days with my son who is home from Iraq for two weeks R & R, UPS delivered a pair of Spira running shoes which were donated by Spira (one of our sponsors) in support of our cause. Well, I guess temptation was just too much for someone as they were purloined from my porch over the weekend before I came home. I immediately contacted Spira to make sure that they were indeed delivered and they were and..much to my surprise, Spira is sending another pair out, which should arrive by Tuesday of next week. I cannot thank Spira enough for their generosity. Folks, please follow the link below to their website. A company with such high values surely deserves our business and support.
"Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means." Leo Buscaglia
May You Rest Peacefully in His Arms Now & Always
God Bless
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